The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani

Question & Answer » Search (sexual intercourse)

1 Question: What are the areas where both Qaza of fast and Kaffarah become obligatory?
Answer: In the following situations, both qadha and Kaffarah become obligatory, provided these acts are committed intentionally, voluntarily and without any force or pressure, during the fasts of Ramadhan:
1. Eating
2. Drinking
3. Sexual Intercourse
4. Masturbation
5. Staying in the state of Janabat till the time of Fajr prayers
And as a recommended precaution, invalidating the fast due to reasons other than those mentioned above, should also be recompensed with Kaffarah, besides the obligatory qadha .
Qaza Prayers and Fasts
2 Question: Is the sweat of sexual intercourse Najis?
Answer: It is Taher (pure), in all cases, whether the sexual intercourse was permissible or forbidden, and the sweat does not invalidate the prayers.
3 Question: How is puberty confirmed in a male?
Answer: Puberty in males could be confirmed if one of the four signs was present:
1. First: Completion of fifteen lunar calendar years of age (equal to about 14 years and seven months and fifteen days of the solar calendar).
2. Second: Ejaculation through sexual intercourse, or seminal discharge while awake or asleep.
3.Third: The presence of pubic hair, of the rough type.
4. Fourth: The presence of hair on the face and above the lips.
Note: The presence of under arm and chest hair and the deepening of the voice are not the signs of puberty in Islamic law.
He should begin performing his religious duties when he attains the age of puberty.
Adulthood - Puberty (Buloogh)
4 Question: When does a man enter the state of Janabah?
Answer: A person becomes Junub (Junub is the term used to refer to a person who is in the state of Janābah) in two ways:
1. sexual intercourse;
2. ejaculation of semen, whether he is asleep or awake, and whether it is a little or a lot, with or without lust, voluntarily or involuntarily.
5 Question: Is it permissible to use condoms during sexual intercourse?
Answer: It is not permissible if the wife does not approve (obligatory precaution), however, if she consents then it is permissible to use condoms,
Contraceptives - Birth Control
6 Question: A woman who took divorce from her husband (wedding ceremony was not held and she took Talaq-e-Khula`) in this situation should she perform `Iddah?
Answer: Iddah is not necessary, if no sexual intercourse has taken place.
7 Question: What is the ruling on the sexual relations of an AIDS patient? Is it permissible for a non-infected person to refuse sexual relation with their spouse because sexual intercourse is one of the main ways of transmitting the virus?
Answer: It is permissible for a non-infected wife not to make herself available to her infected husband for intimacy that could lead to infection by the virus. It is indeed obligatory on her to prevent him from such intimacy.
If it is possible to lessen the chances of infection to a level that is insignificant —for example, 2%— by using condom, etc, it is permissible for her to be intimate with her husband. In such a case, it is, based on precaution, not permissible for her to refuse [intimate relations with her husband].
This clarifies also the case of a husband who is not a carrier of the virus and wife whose: it is not permissible for him to have sexual relations with her in accordance with what sensible people perceive as considerable risk— of being infected by the virus. In such a case, the wife’s right to have sexual relations [at least once] every four months is suspended, except when it becomes possible to adopt methods that would properly prevent infection with the virus.
Medical Issues
8 Question: What is the Islamic ruling about someone who does not fast intentionally or breaks his fast deliberately?
Answer: He should repent and seek divine forgiveness and it is necessary for him to observe the Qadha of the fasts which he has left out. As for kaffara (penalty), the details are as follows:
If a person breaks his fast by eating or drinking or sexual intercourse without knowing that he must fast or was certain that fasting is not obligatory on him or broke his fast due to inculpable ignorance (ignorance out of innocence), it is not obligatory to give kaffarah (penalty). In case, however, he was guilty of not learning the rules, then kaffara is obligatory on him, as an obligatory precaution.
In case he broke his fast and was fully conscious of his duty to observe fast or that he was aware that what he is doing invalidates the fast, kaffara becomes obligatory. The kaffara is to feed sixty poor even if he has broken his fast with something haram.
If he knew that it was necessary to observe Qadha in the same year but he did not observe the Qadha till next Ramadhan, he should give 750 grams of food stuffs (such as flour, bread, noodles or date etc.) as kaffara for each day.
If a person cannot observe the Qadha due to illness or other problems that hinder him from observing the Qadha, he should leave a Will asking his relatives to observe the Qadha on his behalf.
Fast - Broken Intentionally
9 Question: How is puberty confirmed?
Answer: Puberty in males could be confirmed if one of three signs was present.
1. First: Completion of fifteen lunar calendar years of age (equal to 14 years and seven months and fifteen days of the solar calendar).
2. Second: Ejaculation through sexual intercourse, or seminal discharge while awake or asleep.
3.Third: The presence of pubic hair, of the rough type, similar to head hair.
4. Fourth: The presence of hair on the face and above the lips.
Fasting - Puberty
10 Question: What is the ruling of sexual intercourse with ones wife during her menstrual period?
Answer: Vaginal sexual intercourse is unlawful for the man and the woman during her state of Haydh (menstruation), and anal sexual intercourse based on obligatory precaution with a woman without her consent is not permitted.
Haydh - Menstruation / Monthly Period
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